Beating Hearts Baby — Week 2!!


Hey guys!

So, here is my cut of Beating Hearts Baby by Head Automatica (love the song, btw!) I added a few percussion tracks (although, I think there still might be room for a few more..) and just some vocals.

Really excited to see how this one turns out! Over to you, Canada 🙂


March – Beating Hearts Baby – WEEK 1

Hey guys!

Sooo…I know we haven’t quite finished January/February month’s song (Such Great Heights – which I am loving) but I wanted to get the ball rolling with March’s song so that we don’t fall toooooo far behind. Plus, I have been very eager to share my song. I chose “Beating Hearts Baby” by Head Automatica. For those of you who know this song, it’s normally a lot more upbeat, but I wanted to slow it down a little and was inspired by a ukelele version I heard. Hope you guys enjoy and let’s get to it! Go, Mollie, go!! Enjoy. 🙂

“Such Great Heights” — Week 2!


So, It was really my week, not Mollie’s (Julia, why you gotta try to phase me out like that? – haha….jk.) No, but seriously – I love the song Julia, and you did a great job. I wanted to try to make it a little different from The Postal Service’s version and give it a bit of a twist. So, this was my first attempt at “Punk Grass” as Mollie and I like to call it, and although I wasn’t sure what it would sound like, I decided to add some mandolin. And of course some harmonies. 🙂 Still much to be filled out, so I am excited! NOW….over to you, Mollie.

❤ Laura

Such Great Heights – Week 1

Hey everybody, it’s Julia (4th child in the family). So I asked if I could do the song for this month and decided to do Such Great Heights as done by the Postal Service! I mostly just did the bass with some keyboard parts and vocals. Sorry that the video is so late… But, better late than never I guess. This week is Mollie’s, so here it is!

Always — Week Three


Sorry about the glitchy post from last night…let’s try this again

Hello world!

Uh haha haha. Here is take three of our rendition of “always” — made popular by the ever-addicting Robot Unicorn (which, by the way, you should all check out if you haven’t yet).

We had a lot of fun with this one. This week’s track features honorary Scheiber brother Alex Van Gils on bass and lead guitar. You rock, dude. Ugh. I don’t like saying “dude.” Thanks again, buddy. haha. I don’t like “buddy” either. Thanks, Alex.

As Laura said, sorry for being so late on this one. Hope you enjoy–take it away Val!

~Mo Lo zollie Pop

**transcribed by Alex Van Gils

Always – Week One.


Hey guys! Sorry this video is late as well! but better late than never, right?

My pick for the month of December is Always by Erasure. Yeeeep, that’s right. If you’ve ever played the game Robot Unicorn Attack, you’ll probably recognize it. Unless you play with the sound muted… but what fun would that be?

There’s a ton of room to add stuff in! I left some spots open for vocals and of course harmonies and whatever else you wanna add!

Alrighty, I guess that’s it for me. Take it away, Laura!!
